It reserves a taxi now!

The Generalitat will impose fines of until 6.000 euros to the illegal taxis

The Administration inmovilizará from 2015 the vehicles that loan services of taxi of irregular form, to whose headlines, besides, will impose fines of until 6.000 euros. In front of the unrest that has caused among the taxi drivers the irruption of the vehicles of Uber, the Generalitat has decided to toughen the sanctions to the companies and drivers of these cars by means of a modification of the law of the Taxi that includes in the preliminary draft of Law of Fiscal Measures, Financial and Administrative for 2015, that the Catalan Government remitted yesterday to the Council of Economic and Social Work of Catalonia (CTESC) and to the that has had access this newspaper.
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The arrival to Barcelona of the application of mobile Uber, that allows to hire a service of transport to individuals, has nettled to the taxi drivers. In the last months, these have promoted strikes and manifestations and even some group burned vehicles employed to spend to passengers that contact through Uber. The Generalitat adds now to the battle and will modify the Law 19/2003, that regulates the sector of the taxi, especially the articles that refer to the penalizing regime.

When among in force the norm, predictably to beginnings of 2015, will consider “infringements very grave” the “offer of services of transport without having of the licence or prescriptive permission”, the “activity of mediation in the contracting” of these lacking the “pertinent communication” or the “enabling title” and the “contracting of bearer or the turnover of services of transport” made of irregular form.The companies that offer illegal tourist houses will be fined

The preliminary draft, besides, elevates until 6.000 euros —now are 2.500— the fines for the infringements considered very grave, that besides will go accompanied of the immobilisation of the vehicle and the withdrawal of his documentation. The driver or company sanctioned, besides, will have to assume the cost that involve the adoption of these measures.

The law of Accompaniment of the Estimates also modifies the “subject offenders” that contemplates the law of the Taxi. From now it will be able to sanction to the driver of the vehicle and to those who commercialise or mediate in these services without the necessary licence. The law defines to the mediator like the physical —or juridical person— that “takes part in the contracting and commercialisation of services of taxi” and that “by means of a price or reward” offers these services to “possible users” with independence of the canals of commercialisation used.

The norm also includes modifications in the law of Tourism. After the sanctions imposed to the platform Airbnb the past summer for commercialising offer that was not inscribed in the Register of Turismode Catalonia and that, besides, lacked the conditions to be able to be recorded in he, the Generalitat includes in the preliminary draft like infringement “very grave” the commercialisation of “activities or tourist services that do not have of the requirements or of the legally established conditions to obtain the corresponding habilitation”.The Generalitat creates seven new taxes and modifies other 35 for next year

For this type of sanctions, the fines maintain in until the 600.000 euros, but the Generalitat will elevate the quantity of the sanctions imposed in case of incumplimiento. These up to now could be of until 1.500 euros. From the entrance in force of the new law, will ascend to 10.000 euros.

The law of Fiscal Measures, Financial and Administrative creates seven new taxes, that in set will allow to augment the collection in 493.905 euros. It treats of gravámenes on administrative formalities of the sector grazier and the chemist, that go from the evaluation of projects of animal experimentation until the control and the inspection of medicines of human use. Besides, they will modify 35 already existent taxes, among which stands out the immobilisation of vehicles, that justifies by the high cost of the cepo. The planned collection by this tax is of 703.456 euros.

The Catalan Government also will modify the canon on the disposal of the rejection of the municipal waste allocated to deposit and incineration with the aim of incentivar the recycling, which will contribute some 5,6 million euros. Also they will make changes in the canon of the water, so that it will apply a recargo of 20% when they make catchments in zones with little water and will penalise to the industrial activities whose poured or consumptions have a “more elevated impact in the half”. The measure will suppose a extra income of 3,1 million euros.

The law also modifies the tourist tax to expand the exemption of his payment to all the minors of age —up to now only applied until the 16 years—. The measure supposes that the Administration will collect 431.817 euros less, but treats to boost the familiar tourism. Finally, the norm also will allow that the Department of Economy can create debt during the month of January and to accept inheritances testadas
Source:The Pais - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat