It reserves a taxi now!

Trias Yields and does not delete the stop of taxis of the square of Catalonia


The stop of taxis of the square of Catalonia with the Promenade that the city council wanted to delete and that finally has expanded in a square, yesterday.

On 5 December this newspaper published some statements of the alderman of Mobility of Barcelona, Eduard Freixedes, in which it aimed that the historical unemployed of taxis situated in the square of Catalonia with the Promenade had the days counted. It explained that the municipal intention was to move the stop to the another footpath of the square, in front of the Zúrich, ”before Navidad”. The Navidadllegó, spent and the stop of taxis there follows. Finally the municipality has yielded to the pressure of the taxi drivers, very reluctant to the change, and has decided to maintain it. No only this, but it has augmented the number of legal squares of the same, that spends of three to four.

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Any one that have in mind the image of this unemployed -situated in front of the Hard Rock Coffee- knows that, in spite of that on the paper was for three taxis, there was frequent to see at least a ten of vehicles. The taxi drivers lengthened the stop so much to the long as to the wide, with double and even triple row. This indiscipline -and the complaints of the subterranean parking aledaño, whose entrance remained covered by the taxis- spent to the municipality to pose the elimination of the stop announced by the alderman and of which now has given course backwards. “Finally it will conserve . The taxi drivers have engaged to respect the four squares”, aims a municipal source, that also confirms that it maintains the idea to create a new unemployed with seven squares in front of the Zúrich. “The first proposal of the city council offered 14 squares in return to suppress the one of the Promenade: seven in front of the Zúrich and seven in Pelai. The sector of the taxi refused the one of Pelai and insisted in maintaining the one of Promenade, with what has expanded in a legal square the one of the Promenade and have added the seven of the Zúrich, descartando the one of Pelai“, ensures this same source.

POLICE surveillance

Yesterday to the one of the evening, two urban guards custodiaban the stop, looking after the fulfillment of the four squares. But it can not have some police in each corner, clear. To the same hour, the another extreme of the square, in front of a Portal of Àngel cluttered of buyers of Kings, in the another stopped of taxis that Freixedes wanted to delete initially but that already then finished accepting by the commitment of the sector to respect the number of squares, there were seven taxis: one in double row and another on the step of pedestrians. Freixedes Ensured in his day that conserved the stop of the Portal of Àngel by the commitment of the taxi drivers to respect the norm.

Only half hour later, to the one and average, the urban no longer watched the stop of the Promenade; the only of the few that operated without interruption during the civil war, as they explain the taxi drivers to argue his value. Without police, there was already five cars./The periodico

Source:The periodico - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat